Holding A Successful Beaveree

Getting Started

The first step in holding a Beaveree is to ensure that there is an interest in the area for holding one; it is understood that the Service Team is prepared to help organize this event; however, it should be made clear that the Colony Scouters themselves run the event and that they will need to commit time and resources to make the Beaveree a success!

In the rare circumstance where an area is not as committed to holding a Beaveree, it is suggested that the Service Team Scouters take an active part in promoting this event. The Beavers' enjoyment is well worth the effort! There may be an opportunity to visit another area where a Beaveree is being held and participate in the planning to learn as much as possible before holding one in an area for the first time.

The next sections describe how planning is done, when it is done, and describes the series of meetings which are held to do the planning and general organization of the event.