Cub Games - Part V


Equipment: 2 soccer balls; 1 whistle
Formation: Teams

The Pack divides into two teams and line up about 3 metres apart facing each
other.  They stand, legs apart, with their feet touching those of their

The leader throws a soccer ball down between the lines and each team tries to
score a goal by sending the ball through the legs of the other team.  The
Cbs may only defend with their hands and must not move their feet.  When
the teams become adept at this, the leader can send in a second ball.


Equipment: 1 ball; whistle
Formation: Teams

The Pack divides into two teams.  Team A stands in a circle with one Cub in
the centre, holding the ball.  Team B stands in line, like the tadpole's
tail, coming from the middle.

When the leader calls 'GO', the Cub in the centre of the circle starts to 
throw the ball to his team, one by one.  Meantime, the Cubs in Team B in
turn run around the circle and back to their places.  When the last Cub in
Team B is back in his place, the leader blows the whistle and Team A stops.
Team A says how many throws the Cub in the centre has made and when the
teams change places, Team B tries to beat Team A's score.

Chair Pass Ball

Equipment: Soccer ball or volley ball; whistle
Formation: Teams

The Cubs form two teams.  A firm chair is placed at either end of the room
as a goal for each team.  A Cub from each team stands on a chair as 
goalkeeper.  The ball may only be passed from hand to hand.  To score a
goal, it must be thrown to the Cub on the chair and caught by him.  There
should be no running with the ball, or snatching from another player.

Note:  The goalkeeper is changed after each goal.

Snatch the Bobbin

Equipment: 3 cotton reels (bobbins); chalk
Formation: Teams

Draw a chalk circle at either end of the room.  Place the 3 cotton reels in
the center of the room.

The Pack is divided into two teams and line up at either side of the room.  The
teams number off from opposite ends.  When the leader calls a number, those
Cubs run from their places and pick up a bobbin from the center to place in
their goals.  They then return to get the remaining bobbin.  The Cub who is 
successful in getting this, and placing it in his goal, scores a point for
his team.

Warriors and Brigands

Equipment: None
Formation: Teams

The Pack is split into teams, one is the 'Brigands' and the other is the
'Warriors'.  Each team has one end of the room as its base.  The teams then
line up facing each other and the leader gives various commands, e.g.,
'Warriors two paces forward' or 'Brigands one step back'.  This goes 
on with mounting suspence (although three or four times are usually enough)
until the leader says, 'Warriors (or 'Brigands') attack!'  Then the team
ordered to attack gives chase as the others rush to their base.  Any
prisoners taken by the pursuing team immediately transfer to that team.

On the Journey

Equipment: Pencil and paper for each Six
Formation: Sixes

The Cubs try to spot something beginning with each letter of the alphabet.
These must be written down in alphabetical order and nothing beginning with
B may be spotted until A has been noted.

This can be played for general interest in one group, or competitively by a
number of groups.

Note: One adult in each Six could do the job of writing.

Beating the Bounds

Equipment: 4 oil drums or metal pails or metal chairs; 2 large tent pegs or
Formation: Teams

The Pack divides into two teams, each with a stick.  When the leader calls
'GO', the first Cub in each team runs round the square, banging each drum as
he goes.  If he misses a drum, he must go round again.  When he finishes the
circuit, he runs to the back of his team and passes the stick to the front
for the next Cub.  The two teams make the circuit in opposite directions,
one clockwise and the other counter-clockwise.

Nature Alphabet

Equipment: 1 large paper bag per Six
Formation: Sixes

Each Six has to find a nature specimen for each letter of the alphabet.  The
leader should set a time limit.

Filling Santa's Sack

Equipment: 1 balloon per Cub, with a few reserves; 1 sack per Six
Formation: Sixes

One Cub in each Six stands in his corner holding the sack.  The leader
spaces the rest of the Cubs out as far away from their Six corner as
possible and gives each Cub a balloon.  When their leader calls 'GO', all
the Cubs pat their balloon towards their Six corners and endeavour to get
the balloon in the sack.  The balloons may not be held in the hand and must
be patted.

The first Six to get all their balloons into their sack is the winner.

Note:  It is advisable to have different coloured balloons for each Six.

Balloon Football

Equipment: A supply of balloons
Formation: Teams

The Cubs form two teams and sit on the floor facing each other, their legs
stretched out so that their feet almost touch those of the boy opposite.
Two Cubs are chosen as goalkeepers and stand one behind each team.  The
leader throws a ballon into play and each team endeavours to pat the 
balloon over the heads of the opposing team.  A goal is scored when the
balloon touches the ground on the opponent's side.  After a while the leader
throws in a second balloon and then a third and the game becomes
increasingly difficult.  The team with the most goals is the winner.

Cat and Mouse

Equipment: Whistle
Formation: None

The Pack lines up in 4 or 5 lines, each line of Cubs joining hands across.
One Cub is chosen as 'Cat' and another as 'Mouse', the 'Cat' chases the 
'Mouse' up and down the lines.

When the leader blows the whistle, the Cubs turn at right angles and form
lines going down, by holding hands with the members of their new line.  When
the leader blows the whistle again, the lines form across once more.  When
the 'Cat' has caught the 'Mouse' a new pair are chosen.

Balloon Battle Royal

Equipment: A supply of balloons; string
Formation: Scatter or circle

Arrange all the players in a large circle or scattered around the room, each
with a balloon hanging from a string tied to his waist.  On signal, have
each player try to break all of the other balloons.  When his is broken, he
leaves the game.  The game continues until only one player is left.

Variation:  Give each Cub a new balloon if he correctly answers a question,
            about Scouting or whatever subject was taught during the stars
            that evening.

Balloon Basketball

Equipment: A small supply of balloons; 2 boxes or wastepaper baskets for
Formation: Teams

Use a balloon for the ball and boxes or wastepaper baskets for the goals.
Score as in basketball, except that a broken balloon counts 5 points off for
the offending side.

Balloon Crab Ball

Equipment: A supply of balloons
Formation: Teams

Establish two goal lines, 40' apart.  Divide the players into two teams and
have them sit on the goal lines facing each other with their arms extended
backward to support their bodies off the floor.  Place a balloon on the
floor midway between the goals.

On signal, have both teams move toward the balloon, keeping the crab position
described, and attempt to kick the balloon over the opposing goal.  They may
kick it with one foot or drop to a sitting position and use both feet.
Players must not stand up and run or move in any other position than the one
described.  They are not to touch the balloon with their hands.  Teams should
keep some players back to defend their goal and send others forward to drive
the balloon over their opponent's goal.  When the balloon goes out of bounds,
it is put in play by the referee at the point it went out.  Touching the 
balloon with the hand, leaving the crab position and unnecessary roughness
in kicking, striking, or shoving an opponent are fouls.  The penalty is a 
free kick for the other side where the foul occurred.  Have all opposing
players 6' away at the time of the free kick.  Score 1 point each time a team
kicks the balloon over the goal.  The first to score 10 points wins.

Balloon Push Ball

Equipment: Balloons
Formation: Teams

Divide the group into two teams and station them at opposite ends of the
room.  Toss a balloon up in the centre of the room and have the teams rush
for it.  Each tries to bat it to the other team's wall.  The first team to
hit the balloon against the opposite wall wins.  In case the balloon is
broken, throw another in without allowing the play to lag.

Variation: Have a Cub from each team stand on a chair at opposite ends of the
           room, with a safety pin in his hand.  Each team tries to pat the
           balloon to their own goalkeeper, who breaks it with the pin.  A
           point is scored with each broken balloon.

Balloon Volleyball

Equipment: Balloons; rope to stretch across the room
Formation: Teams

Stretch a string across the room and divide the players into two teams,
placing them on either side of the string.  Throw a balloon into play.  Have
each side try to keep the balloon from touching the floor on their side.
They knock it back and forth over the string with their hands.  Game is to 

Variation: Tell the boys not to use their hands - just their heads.

           Put a blanket over the string and play the game 'blind'.  Throw
           in two or three balloons to make the game interesting.


Equipment: Balloons
Formation: Teams

Divide the group into two teams.  Call one the 'destroyers' and the other
the 'defenders'.  Toss a balloon between them.  The destroyers try to break
the balloon by grabbing it, clapping their hands on it, or stepping on it;
while the defenders try to protect it by batting it out of reach.  Keep the
time required by the destroyers to break the balloon.  When the balloon is
broken, the defenders become the destroyers.

Give each team three turns at destroying the balloon.  Add the times of each
team.  The team with the smallest total wins.

Ball Over

Equipment: 1 soccer ball or volley ball
Formation: Teams

Draw a line to divide the area and have two teams take positions on either
side.  Players must not cross the line.  Blindfold one Cub and provide him
with a whistle.  When the whistle sounds, put the ball in play.  The object
of the game is to keep the ball in the opposing team's territory.  One point
is counted against the side that has the ball whenever the whistle is blown.
The blindfolded Cub can blow the whistle whenever he pleases.  The lowest
score wins.  For variation, have four or five players touch the ball before
it can be returned to the other side.  Or create a 'no-man's land' along the
dividing line.  Teams, in getting the ball over, must bounce it into 
'no-man's land'.

Deadly Circle

Equipment: Rope
Formation: Circle

Tie the ends of a long rope together in order to make a large circle.  Mark
off another circle about one-third the size of the rope circle.  Have all
players take hold of the rope with both hands, forming a ring around the
marked circle.  On signal, try to pull as many of the other players as
possible into the circle while keeping out of it themselves.  As soon as a
player steps into the middle circle, he is out of the game.  The game
continues until only one player remains.


Equipment: None
Formation: Two circles, one inside the other

Divide the Cubs into groups.  Group A forms the inner circle facing outward
and group b the outer circle facing inward.  Have the players facing each
other hold hands to pair off like 'brothers!'  They drop hands and on 
signal, the circles march in opposite directions.  When you shout
'BROTHERS!', the pairs find each other, link arms together backwards, and
sit down.  The last pair to sit down drops out of the game.  Continue until
two brothers are left.

Cover the Chair

Equipment: 1 chair per Cub
Formation: Circle

Have the players seated in a circle and select one to be 'it'.  He stands in
the circle leaving his chair empty.  When he commands, 'Shift to the
right!', the person who has the empty chair on his right shifts to it, the
next person shifts to the chair just vacated, and so on around the circle.
'It' tries to get a seat.  If he succeeds, the person who should have
shifted to that seat becomes 'it'.  'It' may suddenly call 'shift to the 
left', and in the confusion he stands a good chance of finding a place.

Jack Sprat

Equipment: None
Formation: Circle, in pairs

Have all the players except 'Jack Sprat' form pairs and stand in a circle.
When Jack Sprat says, 'face to face', the partners face each other.  When he
says 'back to back', or 'side to side', his directions must be followed.
If he says 'Jack Sprat', everyone, including himself tries for a new partner.
The one left becomes Jack Sprat and the game continues.

Witches' Wand

Equipment: 1 15' rope weighted at one end
Formation: Circle

Arrange the players in a circle 5-8' apart and give one a rope about 15'
long weighted at one end.  He stands in the centre and swings the rope
around the circle keeping it about a foot off the ground.  As the object
swings around, the players step in and jump over it each time it passes
them.  If a Cub gets hit, he changes places with the Cub in the centre.


Equipment: 1 ball or rolled up newspaper
Formation: Circle

Arrange the players in a circle, have them number off, and select a player
to be 'it'.  He stands in the centre of the circle with a ball or rolled up
newspaper.  When he calls out two to five numbers, these players should
exhange places in the circle.  After calling one to three numbers, 'it'
passes the ball to any member of the circle, who in turn passes it back to
'it' who then tries to hit one of the players exchanging places.

Pass the Bag

Equipment: 2 beanbags
Formation: Circle

Form a circle with an even number of players.  Every other person is on the
same team.  Give one beanbag to a player on one side of the circle and a 
second beanbag to a player on the other side on the opposite side of the
circle.  On signal, the bags should be passed from one team member to the
next in the same direction around the circle.  The first team to have its
bag overtake the other wins the game.  (This is a good pack game.  Use
parents on one team and Cubs on the other.)

Squirrel in the Tree

Equipment: None
Formation: Small circles of 3-4 boys

Form small circles of three or four Cubs.  They hold hands to form 'trees
with hollow trunks'.  A Cub representing a squirrel stands in each tree.
Have one more squirrel than there are trees.  On signal, the squirrels must
change trees.  The one left out becomes 'it' for the next game.

Equipment: A supply of apples
Formation: Teams

Divide the group into two equal teams.  In a yard or park, mark out a large
rectangular area.  One end of the area is home base, the other end is the
outpost, and in between is enemy territory.  The job of the airlift team is
to carry supplies (apples) from home base to the outpost without getting
'shot down' (tagged three times) by the enemy team.  The airlift team may
carry one apple each or may let one or two boys carry several while the
other protect them as they race from home base to the outpost.  Boys who
are tagged three times while carrying apples are out, and the enemy gets
their apples.  Those of the airlift team who are not carrying apples may run
freely without fear of being tagged.  The team that has the most apples at
end of game wins.

You can then have an apple feast, with the enemy and the airlift team
joining forces (as in peacetime).

Cat's Tail

Equipment: A supply of coloured yarn, 2 colours, one for each team
Formation: Teams

To get your Cubs in the Hallowe'en mood, try this game.  Hide several pieces
of cloth or yarn - a different colour for each team.  One Cub on each team
is a 'cat without a tail'.  At the signal, all Cubs search for tails of
their colour.  As a piece is found, it should be tied to the belt of the cat
who ties others to it as they are found.  The winner is the side whose cat
has the longest tail at the end of five minutes.

Eat the Fishtail

Equipment: None
Formation: Single line

Have the Cubs line up in single file, holding each other around the waist.
The first boy is the fish head; the last boy, the tail.  On signal, the head
tries to catch the tail while the tail tries to avoid being caught.  All
must continue to hold on to each other.  The longer the fish, the better.

Follow the Leader

Equipment: None
Formation: Single line

Choose a Sixer or Cub who is especially resourceful to be the leader.  Have
the others form single file behind him and imitate anything that he does.
The leader keeps the line moving and performs stunts for the others to copy.
He gradually does more difficult tasks such as climbing or vaulting over
obstacles; jumping certain distances; taking a hop, skip and jump; walking
backward; turning around while walking; and walking or running with a book
on his head.  Anyone failing to perform the required feat drops out of the
game.  The last one to follow the leader is the winner.

Kick, Hide, and Seek

Equipment: Soccerball
Formation: Scatter

Mark a goal 3' in circumference and place a soccer ball in it.  Have one of
the players kick the ball as far as possible.  While the others run and
hide, 'it' runs to recover it and replaces the ball in the circle before
going in search of the players.  When he sees one he calls, 'I spy......'
and both run for the ball.  The one who reaches it first kicks it and runs
for a hiding place.  The other player is 'it' and must return the ball and

Bat Ball

Equipment: Soccer or volleyball
Formation: Teams

Any outdoor area or gymnasium will do.  Mark a home base in the middle of a
40 - 50' end line.  Then mark a far base about 80' from home base.

The batter himself tosses up the ball and hits it with his hand or fist.
After hitting the ball, he must run around the far base and return home
before being hit by the ball, thrown at him by the defensive team.  If he
does not hit the ball over the 20' line, he gets another try.  If he fails
the second time, he is out.  Members of the team in the field have no
definite positions but scatter about the space beyond the 20' line.  They
try to put out the batter either by catching a fly ball or by hitting or
tagging the batter with the ball.  The fielders may not take more than one
step while holding the ball or hold the ball for more than three seconds.
They may pass it to another fielder closer to the runner.  The batter may
not run wider than the extent of the end line.  Three outs retire the side.
Any predetermine number of innings may be played.

Every time a home run is made, score 1 for the team at bat.

Gun Ball

Equipment: Soccer or volleyball
Formation: Teams

Divide the players into two teams.  Locate the pitcher's box 20' in front of
home base.  Mark a far base about 80' from home in the normal direction of
first base.  The pitcher rolls the ball on the ground to the first batter,
who kicks the ball.  As the ball is kicked, all the players on the batter's
team must run to the far base and return home.  The fielders try to hit the
runners below the waist with the ball.  All players getting back home safely
scores runs for their team.  After three kicks the teams exchange places.  If
hit, the runners stay on the sidelines until their team becomes fielders.

Mowgli and the Red Flower

Equipment: 1 red scarf or beanbag
Formation: Circle

Pick one player as Mowgli.  He hides his eyes.  Pick another player as 'it',
without letting Mowgli know who 'it' is.  Mowgli then comes into the village
(circle) and tries to get the Red Flower (fire).  The player who is 'it'
tries to catch Mowgli before he can leave the village with the Red Flower.
'It' cannot move until Mowgli touches the Red Flower.  Mowgli must enter and
leave at the same point in the circle.  The two boys he enters between can
put up their arms to signify a gate, so Mowgli will remember where to leave.
If Mowgli is caught by the villager before he leaves the village, the
villager becomes Mowgli and a new villager is chosen.  If Mowgli leaves the
village before he is caught, he gets to try again with a new villager.  Have
the boys in the circle lunge in a couple of times to confuse Mowgli so he
doesn't know who the villager is.

Go To Cub Games Part VI