Games Database

Battleship Kim's Game


A table per team
A piece of chalk per team
Ten items per team

Game Description

Each patrol gets a table set up on it's side in their corner as a barrier, so that the other patrols can't see behind it. On the floor they draw a 7x7 grid, and mark horizontal axis A to G and vertical axis 1 to 7. They then take ten items and place them at random on their grid. The patrols are now given five minutes to look at each others grids and try and memorize the locations of as many items as they can. After five minutes they each retire behind their barricades. Each patrol in turn fires three shots. For a shot they must say the name of the patrol they are firing at, the grid reference and what item is at that grid reference. If they are correct then they capture that item. Each patrol only gets 3 shots per round. After a set number of rounds, the patrol that has captured the most items are the winners. Please note that this is a memory game, no pencils and paper allowed.