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strong>Purpose: To recognize an interest and participation in art.


1. Show that you have an interest in and have practised an art form such as Graphic Art, Modelling, Pottery, Sculpture, etc.
2. Explain the characteristics and properties of the material you used. i.e. plastic, wood, clay, etc.
3. Demonstrate and explain the use of the tools and equipment used for your art form.
4. Show three pieces of your finished art work.

Literary Arts

Purpose: To recognize participation in literary arts.


Show an interest in one or more of the literary arts by presenting and discussing some of your work in such fields as biography, drama, fiction, or poetry.


Present reviews of Books, Plays, Poems, Radio, TV Shows, or Movies and be prepared to discuss and defend your opinions.

Performing Arts

Purpose: To recognize participation in a performance art.


Show an interest in and participate in any one of the following:

1. Entertain an audience either by yourself or with a small group for at least 15 minutes with a varied program, such as Musical, Dance, Role Play or Acting, Story Telling, etc.
2. Rehearse and direct a small group in a play lasting 20 minutes.
3. Participate in a multi-act play, as an actor or stage crew with your school or theatre group.

Cultural Awareness

Purpose: To gain a greater understanding of Canada's cultural diversity.


1. Learn about a cultural group of peoples including what language they speak, their traditions and spiritual beliefs.
2. Lead an activity or game which is specific to that culture.


Prepare a food which is specific to that culture and share it with your Patrol/Troop.


Purpose: To recognize musical ability.


Do one of the following:
a) Sing or play on an instrument at least two pieces. Demonstrate that you understand and are able to read music. Include terms for pitch, length of notes, time signature and expression.


b) Be a regular member of a school, social, or church choir, or musical group, and take part in a minimum of three performances.


Purpose: To recognize photography knowledge and skills.


1. Demonstrate and explain the use of your camera (video, or other).
2. Explain how your camera records an image, and the developing process if appropriate.
3. Present various examples of your work, describing the composition, choice of subject matter, and lighting and exposure.


Purpose: To recognize skill in some form of handicraft.


1. Show that you have an interest in, have practised, and gained skill in some form of handicraft, such as Carving, Decorating, Embossing, Stamping, Weaving, Needlecraft, etc.
2. Present recent examples of your work.

Special Needs Awareness

Purpose: To gain a greater awareness of Special Needs requirements.


Meet with an agency or person providing support to persons with a special need and learn about the support given. Lead an awareness exercise or game for that special need.


For at least three months, provide assistance with the ongoing support of a person with a special need.


Purpose: To recognize interest and ability in constructing models or toys.


1. Show you have an interest in, have practised, and have gained skill in building models or toys. (Models may be produced from kits.)
2. Present three (3) recent examples of your work.


Purpose: To explore a Scout's heritage.


1. Show that you know where to find information about the heritage of your community by explaining:
a) primary and secondary sources;
b) oral and written sources; and
c) the use of materials in archives, museums, and libraries.
2. Carry out one of the projects suggested below and make an oral, written, or scrapbook presentation to your Troop.
a) Construct a family tree showing at least five generations.
b) Give a report on the origins of your community or neighbourhood; and
c) In a rural area, make a study of at least 30 early gravestones in the local cemetery. Give a presentation on these former residents and how they contributed to the area.
3. a) Outline the history of the World Scout Movement from its beginning, with special emphasis on the contribution of its founder; and
b) Give a brief history of your own Scout troop and district.
4. Choose a historic building, place, monument, park, structure, or organization in your area and give a report on its history and importance.
5. Research and make a presentation on the history and legends of the native people in your area OR on their present-day life.

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are the opinions of the individuals who posted them
and are not the views of Scouts Canada.