It must have been the warm spring sunshine that made the beavers feel somewhat sleepy. They returned to their lodge early that night. As they lay around thinking of the day’s happenings, they hoped that Keeo would tell them a story.

One of the young twins looked up and asked Keeo, “Are all beaver colonies as happy as we are?”

“Well, young beaver,” said Keeo, “I really don’t know if they are but I do know that they could be if they wanted to. You see, in this colony we have learned what it means truly to share. Together we have discovered and learned. We have grown and we have built. We have explored. We’ve played and we’ve helped one another discover how to grow up into being eager beavers. We have also learned how important it is that we all work together as a team, from the very newest beaver to the beaver who has lived in the colony for two years or more, and how important that each of us contribute the very vest of our abilities to whatever it if we do. You remember the night of the storm and how the dam was nearly washed away, and the youngest beaver of all placed the dog that locked the dam safely against the floods.”

“We have learned from one another as I have taught you the ways of the forest and some of the ways of the Jones family. These humans know what sharing is and that is why they are a happy family. There is so much for them to so. Sometimes it is Hawkeye or Rainbow, or Rusty, or Bubbles who has the idea, but together they go off and discover a new part of the world, a new sensation, a new sight, a new smell, a new taste. What makes them happy is that they decide together what it is they like to do to learn about life, and that the whole world is their horizon as they go forth together, each with love in his heart for the other. I think that is part of why we have a happy beaver colony!”

“Again, you know how busy we have been during these last few months. There is just no end to the things we have dine together! Really, the only limits to the activities we can so are our own minds; and as we share our ideas in a positive, loving atmosphere, happiness and joy abound within our colony! Haven’t we learned a lot from Hawkeye and Bubbles as they came paddling over our pond in their canoes? They have made suggestions of activities for us, taught us about nature, god, and the world around us. Don’t we have a lot to thank Bubbles and Rusty for as they taught us how to play together and care for each other in the kind of games we played, and didn’t we learn so much from them as we watched them share many of their activities, helping each other, each getting fun from the satisfaction and joy of the other? All these things, beavers, make us a happy beaver colony!

“If we keep our promise to love God, and help take care of the world; and if we live
our law that beaver has fun, works hard, and helps his family and friends, then we can go on looking forward to many more times of joy, happiness and sharing together!”

Chapter 6 | Chapter 8