White Water

Purpose: The safe and responsible handling of a canoe, kayak or similar craft in moving water.

NOTE: You must wear a properly fitted PFD while in a boat.

Pre-requisite: The Paddling badge is a pre-requisite for this badge.


1. Describe the effects on the craft of rocker, wind, river current and load positioning (including paddlers).
2. Discuss the following parts of a rapid: sweeper, keeper, souse hole, haystack, roller, whirlpool, eddy, deep water V, submerged rock, areas of strong current, and eddy line. Discuss the importance of scouting a rapid before entering it.
3. Select and wear a properly fitted PFD and helmet.

Suitable Equipment

1. Discuss Provincial regulations on PFD's and demonstrate proper use.
2. Discuss the importance of a helmet.
3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of three hull material. (Royalex ABS, Fibreglass, Aluminum, etc.)
4) when would a wet or dry suit be necessary.
5) Demonstrate accurate throwing with a throw bag.
6) Demonstrate appropriate footwear.

Paddle Strokes
In moving water demonstrate an effective:
1) High Brace
2) Low Brace
3) Sideslip left and right
4) Back paddling
5) Eddy in and eddy out on the left and right
6) Up stream ferry left and right
7) Down stream ferry left and right

General Knowledge

1. Demonstrate what to do if capsized.
2. From the International River Classification System describe Class 1, 2, 3 Rapids
3. Considering your skill level, strength and the type of equipment you are using, what would make a rapid unrunable for you?