Song Database

Billy Boy

Where have you been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy? 
Where have you been, daring Billy?
I have just become a Scout
And know what it's about,
It's a grand thing to be a Scout in our troop.

What have you done, Billy Boy, Billy Boy? 
What have you done, daring Billy?
I have tried to make some stew
And it tasted just like glue.
It's a grand thing to be a Scout in our troop.

Where have you been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Where have you been, daring Billy?
I have been to weekend camp
And the blankets all got damp
It's a grand thing to be a Scout in our troop.

Can you mend a broken leg, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Can you mend a broken leg, daring Billy? 
I can mend a broken leg,
With a clothesline and a peg
It's a grand thing to be a Scout in our troop.