Song Database


Captains they do nothing, Lieutenants they do less
Patrol  leaders  go  watering and get themselves a mess.
Seconds they go wooding that's if they  want  some sup,
But all that's left for the jolly Girl Guides is the dirty washing

Oh, we ain't gonna work no more no more, We ain't gonna work no
We worked last year and the year before,
We ain't gonna work no more.

Captains they have scented soap,  Lieutenants, they have Pears,
Patrol Leaders have Yardley and give themselves such airs.
Seconds they have Sunlight to make their  faces shine,
But all that's left for the jolly Girl Guides is the Lifeboy every

Oh, we ain't gonna wash no more, etc.

Captains, they have turkey, Lieutenants they have duck,
Patrol Leaders have chocolate and think  themselves in luck,
Seconds they have bully beef and sometimes they have ham,
But all that's left for the jolly Girl Guides is a slice of bread
and jam.

Oh, we ain't gonna eat no more, etc.

Captains, they are married, Lieutenants they're engaged,
Patrol Leaders are courting, although they're under age,
Seconds they have boy friends, as many as they please,
But all that left for the jolly Girl Guides are the Scouts with
knobbly knees.

Oh, we ain't gonna court no more, etc.