Song Database

Dum, Dum, Da, Da

Dum, dum, da, da,
Da-dum, dum, da, da,
Da-dum, dum, da, da, da, dum, da-dum, dum, dum
Dum, dum, da, da,
Da-dum, dum, da, da,
Da-dum, dum, da, da, da, dum.

First time through: pat both knees twice, then right hand
to left shoulder twice; pat knees twice, then left hand to
right shoulder twice. 

Second time through: pat both knees once, then right hand
to left shoulder once; pat knees once, then left hand to
right shoulder once; pat knees, then cross arms, uncross arms
and then snap fingers.

Third time through: left hand on right elbow, flutter
right hand; right hand on left elbow, flutter left hand.

Fourth time through: brush hands, then right hand on left
elbow; left hand on right elbow.

Fifth time through: cross arms, lean alternately forward
and back.