Song Database

Man's Scouting Lament

(Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean)

My darling, I see that you're worried
The hair in your head's turning gray
Don't worry about my affections,
I love you the same sweet old way.

I'm here, wife dear, and never will 
leave you  - at least for long!
I'm here, wife dear, and never will
leave you for long!

Last night as you lay on your pillow
I drove ninety miles to Kaloops
To hold a Commissioner's Meeting
And organize six brand new troops.


Each Monday I have a big meeting
Finance makes my Tuesday so cramped
The rest of the week I have training
And weekends I'm out at the camp!


If you send someone to the office
Send someone with vigor and vim.
We'll get an adult application
And make a Boy Scouter of him!
