Song Database

My Aardvark

Send in by Ms. Nancy J Rimassa, (

I collected this song at an Earth Matters Wider Opportunity,
Arizona in 1991. Everyone sings it again & again
Collected from Kim Van Gieson

I love my aard-vark, my aard-vark loves me.
I love my aard-vark by the cot-ten-wood tree
My lit-tle aard-vark goes 'Oy! Di-di-di-doy,

(This song adds verses, repeating the action
and vocalizations for each subsequent verse
each time through.

(Second verse)

I love my seal, etc.
My lit-tle seal goes ark, ark, ark, ark.
cross arms in front, clap hands together
My lit-tle aard-vark goes 'Oy! Di-di-di-doy,

(Third verse)

I love my octopus, etc.
place out-spread hand on face and make loud
sucking sound.) Add seal and aardvark ending.

(Fourth verse)

I love my tarantula, etc.
run fingers up face and across top of head
while crying 'Wheeeee!') Add previous verses

(Fifth verse)

I love my rock, etc.
drop head to one side, close eyes and count
Add previous verses.