Song Database

Old Mill Stream

Down by the old Mill stream 
Where I first Met you 
With your eyes So blue 
Dressed in gingham too 
For it was then I knew 
That you loved Me true 
You were sixteen 
My village queen 
Down by old mill stream
Down by the old (not the new but the old)
Mill stream
(not the river but the stream) Where I first
not last but first) 
Met you (not me but you)
With your eyes
(not your nose but your eyes) So blue
(not green but blue) Dressed in gingham
not in satin but gingham) 
Too (not one but two) 
For it was then
(not now but then) 
I knew (not old but new) 
That you loved (not
hated but loved) 
Me true (not
false but true) 
You were sixteen (not
My village queen 
(not the king but the queen) Down by old mill stream 
(not the river but the stream)