Song Database

Rattlin' Bog

This is a circular song; the end is the beginning.
To start,clap your hands to a slow beat. By the time you finish,
you'll be going at the speed of light. Add a line after each
chorus until you end up at the bog again. In order to sing all
the last verse in one breath you'll be going mighty fast. This
song takes practice, practice, so take lots of showers.

Rare bog, a rattlin' bog. The bog down in the valley - o
Rare bog, a rattlin' bog. The bog down in the valley - o
Now in this bog there was a log. A rare log, a rattlin' log
Log in the bog and the bog down in the valley - o

The bog from the log and
The log from the tree and
The tree from the seed and
The seed from the babe and
The babe from the maid and
The maid on the bed and
The bed from the feather and
The feather from the bird and
The bird in the nest and
The nest in the branch and
The branch on the log and
The log in the bog and
The bog down in the valley - o