The Indian Hunter

CHIEF: "I'm hungry"
BRAVE: "Ki-yi"
PONY: "Clip-clop, clip-clop"
BOW AND ARROW: "Swiiiiiiisssssssssh"
FIRE: "Crackle, crackle"
TOM-TOM: "Boom, boom"
NORTH WIND: "Wooooooooo"
DEER: "Skitter, skitter"

Many moons ago in the land of the plains Indians - the tribes of the Pawnee, Arapaho, Cheyenne and Kiowa - there was a village that was in trouble. For many days no rain had fallen, and the crops were drying up. The buffalo and the DEER had gone north to seek better water holes. Their very existence depended on the securing of fresh meat.

The CHIEF called a conference of all the male members of the village. They all gathered around the FIRE as the TOM-TOM sounded the call. When all were present, the CHIEF looked around the circle. It was complete, even to his own son, a BRAVE of just nineteen harvests. They discussed their problem until the FIRE dwindled to smokey red ashes. Finally, the BRAVE stood up and said that the only way was for a true-blooded member to go far off where the DEER were grazing and return with food for the village. He himself would go.

Early the next morning the BRAVE mounted his PONY. As the TOM-TOM sounded, the BRAVE waved to his father, the CHIEF, and rode off on his PONY into the NORTH WIND.

Onward the trail led with the BRAVE and the PONY getting weak. The NORTH WIND howled with glee. Finally, he came upon a small water hole. There, drinking, were two fine DEER. The BRAVE tethered his PONY, aimed his BOW AND ARROW, and let fly two direct hits.

The BRAVE started back to the village with the two DEER strapped to the PONY's back. Southward they trod and the going was slower and slower. Despite his hunger, the BRAVE ate very sparingly, for he knew his people were depending on him. Finally, he came upon a scout from the village. The Indian sounded his TOM-TOM, signalling the CHIEF and the people, that the BRAVE and his PONY had returned.

That night there was a great rejoicing as the tribe gathered around the FIRE, each eating a welcome slice of DEER. The BRAVE told his story to the CHIEF and his people. This story of his PONY and his BOW AND ARROW is relived today in Indian dance legend to the sound of the TOM-TOM.