Santa's Annual Visit

Ask everyone in the group to join in and see how santa goes on his annual trip around the world. Tell them to follow you and repeat what you do or say. Divide into two equal groups for the ending.

Mrs Claus waves to her husband trom the window. WAVE.

Santa walks across the hard-packed snow SAY CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CRUNCH to the barn where his sleigh is waiting with the reindeer SLAP HANDS RAPIDLY ON KNEES all hitched up and raring to go.

He walks STAMP FEET ON FLOOR across the barn floor and enters his sleigh. He calls "Ho and away" and they're off with a swish RUB HANDS TOGETHER IN ON UPWARD SWISHING MOTION.

It begins to snow RUB PALMS TOGETHER WITH CIRCULAR MOTION. Soon millions of sparkling snowflakes fill the air. He calls to his dashing reindeer SLAP HANDS ON KNEES and says, "Down my fine fellows, we make a stop here."

They descend to a snow-covered roof. Santa gets out and walks to the chimney BEAT FISTS ON CHEST. He's down the chimney with one big swish MAKE DOWNWARD SWISH WITH THE HANDS. He fills the stockings FILL STOCKINGS and swish USE UPWARD MOTION, he's up on the roof. Then, away he goes with his reindeer SLAP HANDS ON KNEES. Sounds from the earth reach him as he glides across the sky. Half of the group to say "MERRY CHRISTMAS" and the other half of the group answers in deep voices, "TO YOU" repeat three times.