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The Skit Library C

A Compendium of Skits from various sources.

Candy Store

The leader gives instructions for playing candy store. He asks that one person take a long string and hold on and then adds others until there is a long line of people holding onto the string. Then the leader explains that this is a candy store because there are some suckers hanging on the line.

Candy Store: (variation)

A candy store owner enters carrying a long pole. He asks two members of the audience to hold the pole, draping a blanket or sheet over it, explaining that this is the candy store. One by one customers come in asking for different types of candy, to each, the owner replies that he doesn't have any. Finally, a customer asks what he does have. The owner states he doesn't have any candy left except for these two suckers on a stick, pulling the blanket away at the same time.

Change Underwear

Have the boys march in, single file, with one boy leading them like a drill sergeant. The sergeant tells them to stop and addresses them. He tells them he has some good news and some bad news. The good news is that they get a change of underwear. The boys cheer and he cuts them off. The bad news is that they have to change underwear with one another. The boys groan.

Chief Shortcake

Pick a "volunteer" to be the dead Chief Shortcake (adult leader) and have him lie down covering with a towel/sheet except for his head. Have each boy repeat a line on what to do with Chief Shortcake such as: burying the Chief with all his worldly possessions, should be burned in a great ceremonial fire, put in a cave and seal him up, and so on for as many as you need. The last Indian says that they are all wrong, "i bury Shortcake" and squirts whipped cream on Chief Shortcake's face.

Chin Faces

Performers arrange themselves with their heads hanging upside down over the edge of a table with a sheet or other drape covering their body with holes cut out exposing their mouth and chin. Place sunglasses just below the chin in front of the neck for "eyes." The chin becomes the nose, the mouth is the mouth - but upside down, so to smile you need to actually frown. The "chin face" makes a short silly speech or sings a harmonious song. Several "chin faces" in a row can form a singing group or mime a recording. Variation: Have the "chin face" be a chicken instead of a person.

Contagious Disease Ward

The scene takes place in the waiting room of a doctor of contagious and communicable diseases, Dr. Ringworm, M.D., l.s.d., v.i.p., l.c.b. Have four chairs and a stand for magazines or books. In walks a fellow (a) with an itch which he scratches periodically in different places. He grabs a magazine and attempts to read but is disturbs periodically by his itch. After a while , a second fellow (B) comes in with a serious hand twitch. B sits next to A. B gradually starts to scratch with the itch, while A's hand starts to twitch. When it has been well established that they have contracted each others' disease, a third person enters with a serious leg twitch. Pretty soon all three have the hand twitch, leg twitch, and itch all over. a fourth guy comes in bouncing all over the place and shaking every muscle in his body. The actions of the four guys become more frantic and are bouncing around in their chairs. Then a boy dressed like a pregnant lady strolls in casually and the other four scramble for their lives. If possible or desired have some jazz music playing in the background for the scouts with the diseases to keep the beat to.

Court Case

Second person walks in with a suitcase. First person already on stage asks where he is going and the first person's reply is that he is going to court. A little while later he comes in with the case and also a ladder. This time he says that he taking his case to a higher court.

Court Scene

Guy brought in - "I'm Innocent! I was just picking up pebbles on the beach!" Two or more with similar stories. Last person comes on stage either dressed like a guy dressed like a girl or a girl, saying, "Hi, I'm Pebbles", in an alluring manner.

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